Thursday, August 28, 2008

REVIEW - Stone Smoked Porter

A Review by: Boxman

On the same trip where I picked up my Arrogant Bastard Oaked 6-Pack, I also picked up this Stone Brewing Company brew. I figured I’d try this one out tonight because I knew I was in for a nice steak and potatoes meal, and this porter is supposedly good with grilled meats, and really what is a better grilled meat than cow flesh?
Again here’s some background on the Stone Smoked Porter straight from the Stone Brewing Company Website
"Stone Smoked Porter is dark, rich and complicated. A porter is substantially darker than a pale ale, but not as black or opaque as a stout. Our Stone Smoked Porter has a captivatingly deep mahogany color, complimented by a silky, dark tan head. Rich, full-bodied and robust, it is also smooth, with chocolate and coffee-like flavors balanced by the subtle “smoky” character of just the right amount of peat-smoked specialty malt. Terrific with meats and desserts!"

Style / ABV – American Porter / 5.90% ABV

Serving Type – Guinness Pint Glass

Appearance – A dark smooth pour into the glass with a nice light tan colored head. Dark-brown almost coffee black in color.

Smell – Smoky, chocolate smell, with a hint of hops.

Taste – Strong smoky, chocolate, coffee, and roasted barley notes come through. It went down very smooth and isn’t too bitter, but just enough bitters. I would say this is as close to a porter being a stout as you can get, I’ve always been a fan of stouts and if I wouldn’t have known before-hand I would have thought it was a stout. I started out drinking dark beer with the most famous of dark beers, Guinness, and that has led me to thinking the darker the better.

Mouthfeel – A pretty thick feeling on the tounge, with just enough carbonation, but not too much, just how I like it.

Drinkability – This is a fantastic beer. I went through the large bottle in about a half an hour, and could have sat through another 2. Sure I’d be a tad wasted, but I’d be a happy man.

So far on this latest beer-trip I’m 2 for 2 on great beers. The Stone Smoked Porter also now sits somewhere in my top 10 favorite beers. One of these days I’ll actually get around to putting up an official countdown.

Grade – A –

Boxman Reviewed on 8/28/08